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India's 'Delhi Chalo' farmers protest captured in pictures

tacobell fan

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Farmers from different states in India marched to New Delhi in protest of the new central farm legislations and surrounded the national capital from different directions. Following clashes with the police, authorities allowed the farmers to enter New Delhi. The government has agreed to hold discussions with the farmers and address their concerns. Here's a look at how the situation has been developing in pictures.


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"Dilli Chalo was a war cry given by Subhash Chandra Bose, known for his role in India's independence movement, to 'urge the British-enslaved people of the country to go forward and take the seat of power,' according to a veteran tribal freedom fighter." — Times of India

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"The government says there is no plan to eliminate wholesale markets and that farmers could sell at these yards as well as to big retailers such as WalMart. It hopes to bring new investment to the farm sector and fix the supply chains that lose one-fourth of India’s produce to wastage." — Reuters

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"Some 85% of India’s farmers own less than two hectares (five acres) of land and lack the means to sell beyond local markets, even if that means forgoing better prices. The National Farmers' Forum said that if the government really wanted to improve the condition of farmers, it should plug holes in the minimum price-support programme." — Reuters

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