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On 10/10/2022 at 2:44 PM, Android_Halwa said:

The reasons why I feel Russia might have an edge at later stages...They are bleeding now, their military hardware is depleting fast, very few allies and deserted from international trade and sanctions but the question here is whether the world need Russia or Russia needs the world? Sanctions are nothing new as they have been subjected to various sanctions for the last 20-30 years.

  1. 10-15% of world oil reserves in the Russian far east, why do they want to supply to Europe when they can supply to North Korea, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China, Philippines and South East? Lucrative customers and always energy hungry in comparison to ailing Europe who side with US and Nato and are of least dependable.
  2. Huge mineral wealth of Russia...they can dug up the earth and feed the entire world with its minerals and with China in proximity, why do they need to supply to Europe?
  3. They are now attempting a closed border economy which might pay off in the longer term, making them less dependent on the world's financial stress but at the same time it's risky.
  4. Is there a new power block in the making? Looks like it if. East Asian power block or Asian power block, which has 60% of the world's young population and future of world's growth is dependent on this region, Will Russia having a major say in a block that is going to be dominated by China? May be yes....
  5. Oil/OPEC/OPEC+: Will Russia provide security to middle east? Can they match what Americans did to stabilize this region? May be no and not at all but after accumulating wealth, Saudi is now in a situation to spend big on defense purchases and become a regional player...but I suspect, Russia may offer its nukes to be put up in Saudi for its security if US steps back. Peace between Iran and Saudi will make OPEC+ a formidable player in the game and much provide stability in the region.
  6. When US was growing in 50-60's, its allies also grew financially along with it and were part of the economic beneficiary. It may repeat with Asian Block players too. 


IMO, Russia is struggling at the moment but I think they are having a head start in the new race for balance of power. 

Russia will deplete enough to play second fiddle to India and China, actually this is time their they have invested in india for if one looks at it strategically

I see India/Russia/China block getting more active again the US/Europe empire within few years

I think Russia is playing a role of balancing act between India and China, fundamentally india has no problems with China as long as they dont finger us, which will be the basis of this alliance forming

India moving away from US vassal state influence is bad for short term but good for long term, a close mutually benefitting relationship with US is impossible

India abstaining from UN vote against china is a clear indication that india is thinking about itself and not being influenced by US, china has no reason to worry about, it can calm down for a while we focus on our economic growth and improve military

when it comes to foreign policy, this is the best govt india has ever seen, enjoy every bit of it, these things will be remembered for long time


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NATO and Russia Run Nuclear-War Drills Amid Tensions Over Ukraine

Annual exercises proceed despite Putin’s nuclear threats as alliance stresses need for training to reinforce deterrent

NATO and Rus­sia are mov­ing ahead with ma­jor nu­clear ex­er­cises amid spi­ral­ing ten­sions over the war in Ukraine and hints from Russ­ian Pres­i­dent Vladimir Putin that the ter­ri­tory Mos­cow claims to have an­nexed could be pro­tected by nu­clear arms.

The North At­lantic Treaty Or­ga­ni­za­tion on Mon­day be­gan its ex­er­cise, which is dubbed Stead­fast Noon and in­cludes B-52 bombers fly­ing from their base in Minot, North Dakota.

Rus­sia, for its part, will soon hold its an­nual Grom nu­clear-readi­ness ex­er­cise. U.S. of­fi­cials said Mos­cow has yet to no­tify the U.S. about what mis­sile will be tested. Na­tional Se­cu­rity Coun­cil strate­gic com­mu­ni­ca­tions co­or­di­na­tor John Kirby said last week that it would in­volve the de­ploy­ment of strate­gic as­sets and mis­sile launches.

Both ex­er­cises are an­nual events, but their tim­ing this year comes against the back­drop of the largest con­flict in Eu­rope since World War II.

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On 10/18/2022 at 7:55 AM, Pavanonline said:

Malli no one should question their credibility ani sollu cheptaru chetha nayallu.  They are also suppressing dutch farmer protests.

India should comment on their protest just like western nations did it on india during our farmer protests

  • Haha 1
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